About Us
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela –
– Nelson Mandela –

Our Mission
Here at Litville International School, we are committed to providing top-quality learning and growing experience for children in a safe, dynamic and welcoming environment.
We planned to achieve our mission through close and thoughtful partnerships with educators, families, child development professionals, and our local state agencies.
Providing these core amenities to enhance their learning
Providing these core amenities to enhance their learning
- Conducive learning environment
- Certified and well trained teachers
- Top notch and well trained security experts

Our Philosophy on Education
The goal of Litville International School is to provide a safe, supportive, and creative environment where each child can feel secure and thrive. We want the children to move on from our school feeling successful and confident, ready to face the challenges of their new environment. We also want to create an environment where parents feel comfortable and confident about leaving their child in our care, knowing that we will keep them safe, and offer opportunities for the child to grow and mature socially, mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
We approach our learning concept from a developmental approach, with an emphasis on:
1. Their learning and development stages 2. Children learn by doing – the process is far more important than the product. This is our focus. As a school, we believe and tend to focus more on the process rather than the product.
1. Their learning and development stages 2. Children learn by doing – the process is far more important than the product. This is our focus. As a school, we believe and tend to focus more on the process rather than the product.
Teaching each lesson for the week
We will offer many different experiences to reinforce the topic. This effort will ensure that each child has had the chance to absorb what is being taught, no matter what their learning style. We will make sure that in each week, the children are offered hands-on art experiences, music, dramatic play, language development, science exploration, and math activities that will stretch each child to their next level of development.
- Well planned spaces with rounded corners and soft surfaces
- Secure areas that keep children constantly within sight